In 1997, the concept of the Youth Session was expanded; in order to reach more young people, regional Youth Sessions were organized for the first time in six Swiss cities in the run-up to the Federal Youth Session in Bern. There, more young people discussed the newly introduced overarching theme and drew up proposals for the attention of the federal youth session. The regional sessions took place in November in Zurich, Fribourg, St. Gallen, Sierre, Lucerne, Chur, Lausanne, Liestal and Bellinzona. The actual youth session had to be postponed for this reason, and it was not until January 29-31, 2008 that 200 young people aged between 14 and 21 from all over Switzerland again debated the topic of "Switzerland and Europe" in the Federal Parliament. Once again, the young people demanded with a large majority to join the EU. However, cross-border education, exchanges and recognition of qualifications were also important to the young people. In addition to more information inside and outside schools, they also called for regular lessons on conflict skills for students. "I want a Switzerland that has a say and a say in decisions that affect us. I want a Switzerland that helps to achieve common European goals. I want a Switzerland whose students can complete or supplement their education at European universities even more than before. And I want a Switzerland with improved access to the European single market - to promote economic growth and reduce unemployment."- BR Flavio Cotti in his welcome address